Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I saw the Future and it was Green

This is about a building in china that is on the cutting edge of green and it has me wondering what will be next to turn green will drive organic cars or will the computers we use run off of artificial sunlight my eyes are open for what might be next

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

where were going we dont need roads

something that really looks to fun to be true is here its the flying car and i want one now but heres the cool thing its not a new thing at all its three things in one a paraglider mixed wit ha dune buggie mixed with a fan boat and it flies i wonder what other crazy mash ups work well togeter

Japan is like a whole nother planet

these are some crazy new cars that the world is thinks about birthing. the one i want to focus on is the two cars in one not to long ago i wrote about a things being other things and i think that a car that is also like a segway is a very cool thing but i want to see a car that is a bike that would very cool and very green since green is the new thing

fun trips to space

in the future our rollercoasters will go to space and back and our museums will have real dinosaurs this is like every sicince fiction novel i have ever read and i love it i think the next step is a jurassic park for real and idk somthing like a crazy bubble that lets me breathe freely underwater with out all that scuba gear

whats already there

lcd screens have been around for some time and now we find out they have two uses crazy! i think this kinda has birth a new school of thinking like what can somthing that already exisit do that dosnt exisist its like finding out that dogs also have hidden wheels and the possiblity to drive me places its awsome and i want to know what other things in our world can be changed to to make things we dont have

sixth sense
ok so this is toooo crazy to explain trust me its worth the 13 minutes

any way with technology like this there is no reason for people not to be conected it makes the world even smaller then it already is and its easy to pick up because we all know how to use out hand to interact with the real world the only adaptaion i could think of was to just put the whole rig in shirt or vest or somthing that can be worn or clipped on

cyber ghetto

things that use to mean one thing and then something new are now going to mean ever newer things then they did before. now would be the best time to learn the english lanuge beacuse its only going to get harded this article is about ppl who dont upgrade and leave them selves open for cybercrime which is a bad thing. and large areas of no upgraded ppl wil be called the ghetto.

these ghettos will be like dark allies where cyber crimnals can take advantage of the less fotuneaett and this got me to thinking about like an online police force that is there and present to help the little people they would be like an around the clock hacking group that stop bad guys

tiny screens suck

this is a small media watch i dont like it the screen is to small to care about what it can play.
what i think it should be is a system of folding screens that makes a big screen and then it would like watching it

Really cool (no blog )

this is really cool im just having a hard time understanding it

Future shopper

Shopping in the future will be made easy do to things that know what you want before you want or need them and i think that is where tech is going

it makes me think that maybe there can be like a sensors in the house that know when your sick or what kind of tv you like to watch and just bring things to you