Monday, October 5, 2009

Chip Hop !!!!

this a guy that's on he uses old 8 bit Nintendo songs to make hip hop beats and put them over popular ac-pella songs, Mainly by Jay Z but still its very awesome i did some research on how to do it and its a pretty interesting concept. I'm enjoying how old obsolete things like 8 bit music from 80's video game can come back and make sense again, this got me to thinking what other old things can be re done to be new or more relevant?

Where is the tech...?

Above is a video link using some very interesting people to do what we usually use computers for and no they aren't just adding subtracting numbers they are using colors and patterns to make a human jumbo tron. its very funny and entertaining and i like how some people instead of thinking about what can computers do next they are thinking more like what can we do that they can't. who knows what will be next maybe choirs that only sing in 8-bit formats may be painters that strictly draw pixels on canvas. im not sure but in interested in finding out