Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Spy Bots?


OK so the reason this was interesting to me is because I didn't know that spy bots exists. And my next question is when and how can the Government use this technology to spy on us. because i don't care about spying on potential enemy but it concerns me that it could be use to see who is doing things they aren't suppose to and I'm not talking about dangerous things like building a bomb in the back yard. But things like running red lights and and using "invisible cameras " to build cases against people in criminal court. Now i know that these things sound great but it borders on how much control the government should have.

Can this semi-evil technology be put to good use like i don't know sectioning off abandoned apartments for large scale paint ball or laser tag matches and film it from an over head view with other multiple camera angles like a live firefight type thing.

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