Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I saw the Future and it was Green

This is about a building in china that is on the cutting edge of green and it has me wondering what will be next to turn green will drive organic cars or will the computers we use run off of artificial sunlight my eyes are open for what might be next

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

where were going we dont need roads

something that really looks to fun to be true is here its the flying car and i want one now but heres the cool thing its not a new thing at all its three things in one a paraglider mixed wit ha dune buggie mixed with a fan boat and it flies i wonder what other crazy mash ups work well togeter

Japan is like a whole nother planet

these are some crazy new cars that the world is thinks about birthing. the one i want to focus on is the two cars in one not to long ago i wrote about a things being other things and i think that a car that is also like a segway is a very cool thing but i want to see a car that is a bike that would very cool and very green since green is the new thing

fun trips to space

in the future our rollercoasters will go to space and back and our museums will have real dinosaurs this is like every sicince fiction novel i have ever read and i love it i think the next step is a jurassic park for real and idk somthing like a crazy bubble that lets me breathe freely underwater with out all that scuba gear

whats already there

lcd screens have been around for some time and now we find out they have two uses crazy! i think this kinda has birth a new school of thinking like what can somthing that already exisit do that dosnt exisist its like finding out that dogs also have hidden wheels and the possiblity to drive me places its awsome and i want to know what other things in our world can be changed to to make things we dont have

sixth sense
ok so this is toooo crazy to explain trust me its worth the 13 minutes

any way with technology like this there is no reason for people not to be conected it makes the world even smaller then it already is and its easy to pick up because we all know how to use out hand to interact with the real world the only adaptaion i could think of was to just put the whole rig in shirt or vest or somthing that can be worn or clipped on

cyber ghetto

things that use to mean one thing and then something new are now going to mean ever newer things then they did before. now would be the best time to learn the english lanuge beacuse its only going to get harded this article is about ppl who dont upgrade and leave them selves open for cybercrime which is a bad thing. and large areas of no upgraded ppl wil be called the ghetto.

these ghettos will be like dark allies where cyber crimnals can take advantage of the less fotuneaett and this got me to thinking about like an online police force that is there and present to help the little people they would be like an around the clock hacking group that stop bad guys

tiny screens suck

this is a small media watch i dont like it the screen is to small to care about what it can play.
what i think it should be is a system of folding screens that makes a big screen and then it would like watching it

Really cool (no blog )

this is really cool im just having a hard time understanding it

Future shopper

Shopping in the future will be made easy do to things that know what you want before you want or need them and i think that is where tech is going

it makes me think that maybe there can be like a sensors in the house that know when your sick or what kind of tv you like to watch and just bring things to you

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Pointless apps are the best

I'm sure many different people would disagree with me but i think that pointless apps are seeming to be more popular then one that help you know if you have swine flu or not. i think that if i was designing apps i would lean more towards the fun cool apps that don't really benefit me in life but entertain me in a special way that every day life cant.

Projector or your pocket

This is a video i found on its about a projector that can be used in a hand held device.

The only thing i can think about this is the business aspect of this. what better way to show you electronic portfolio then with your cellphone projecting a picture on a wall. its a great way to share whats going on with you life on the wall. and it also has me thinking about some video share type things were you can talk to people and see what they are doing. i love where technology is going.

Wireless Chargeing

OK so this is a video that has a person showing this new way of charging various gadgets. the only thing needed is that you have to have a mat and you have to have a receiver.

Hybrid car garage's that charge not only your car but your power tools. you can have a small closet in you house that just charges your tech.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This article is about how many adults cant see the illiusion but the kids do. if i were some kid of educational video game maker this would catch my eye because its seems that kids are learning in diffrent ways now and that if u want to be ahead of the cuvre you would have to know whats on the kids minds

always wanting more

its not enough that the mac is this crazy borderline self aware crazy computing machine but now people more too. this is an article about new sound enhancements on some macs and its new bass range and capibilites.

this has got me thinking about how to make really cool things better and that gave the idea for my game because the game of tag is super fun but how can it be made better

just put it all together

i have to switch between screens all the time when i want to play xbox or get on face book so i have been thinking why doesn't Microsoft just put all together in one big computing system i under stand its alot to ask or even think off but really now is the time for crazy ideas like that

death of the battery

In the age that we are living I feel like we’re working to be more green and efficient. So there are plenty of new device to help us with that like this new remote control that takes power from pressing buttons to operate It. After reading this article I wonder if there was any other device that were powered from usage. But what I did think of is just to integrated that technology with all hand held device and cut down the use of batteries super fast. Then we can have more portable fun with out killing the planet.

iphone robots

its all getting more and more like the Terminator movies. Ok so this iPod can control this robot wirelessly. And that cool but not that hard but what I was thinking is more like when can my iPhone open my doors and start my car from the house. When can I have one hand held deviece that takes the place of all others including keys. There isn’t anything like this and it would be cool to have it

cool spy toy
WowWee Spyball

Use any Web browser to steer the Spyball Wi-Fi robot and its built-in video camera from afar. It cuts sharp turns by spinning its two powered wheels at different speeds. A smaller wheel flips out of the back to provide stability
Cool new toy to spy on your house while your gone I thought that this was cool because last week some one did a presentation of something almost similar to this. I like the cool useable home spy tech because of how much it could cut down on theft and other things like that there might come a time where you can be a baby sitter from you living tome with a joystick in on hand and the tv remote in the other .

Tiny hand computers

OQO Model 02+

Get brighter pictures and consume less energy on the first PC with an OLED display. In addition to showing 43 percent more colors than LCD-equipped PCs, the five-inch touchscreen computer consumes 20 percent less power than its predecessor

Tiny green computing is going to be the new thing were wifi is with us no matter where we go it will be nice and fun. And one day in the future there will be wifi play grounds where parents can watch their children from home play at the park

3d Video chat

Novo Minoru

Add depth to video chats with a 3-D webcam. The Minoru’s twin cameras capture video from different angles; software color-codes and superimposes it onscreen. Your friends can view the image through 3-D glasses.

Chatting in 3d is now possible and it looks so fun. Things like this will help bring people together and love each other more over a long distance the planet is getting smaller and im loving it more and more

Saturday, November 21, 2009

ugly car but atleast its Smart

This car is super ugly/ cute but i hate the way it looks so anyway its works nice and with a door that opens in the front keeps people from being hit by on coming traffic. i wish i spoke Japaneses because im sure im missing some more specs

Chop your finger off

No crazy robots this time just simple old fashion non-finger cutting off table saws this goes both ways.. this will help a lot of people saving their fingers from being flung across the room . but there will be youtube videos of people doing some one will get confused and try this on a non smart table saw and horse play in shop class rooms will be on a rise. but things like this lead to cars that don't crash guns that done shoot the person holding them (no more suicide) and other dangerous things like that don't hurt people


Ok this is a digital display screen that can bend and move in just about any direction so here it is we can now were computers on us. watching that flex and show news and movies or gloves that are cellphones and you just hold you hand up to your ear to talk or even better maybe we look at our hands to talk to the people and see them. the possiblities are endless



Is versions new phone and it is in direct compotision with the apple iphone. The new smart phone is made by

motorola it has a bigger screen then the iphone and it can run apps simotaniosly. and with the version network

along with a few other features to back it up its going to be intresting to see how well it does in the market.

My question is whats going to be next there is already augmented reality for cell phone gameing. And there is

already web browesing and app out the wahzoo. and what i want in a phone or mobil diviceis everything that i havein

a home computer but hand held. so maybe some app and plugins where i can make music or edit videos and i know that

is a lot of prossessing and power to ask for but if i can shoot zombies with my finger in a vertural world then i

dont want to here the word impossible. there are a few ipod apps that let you play music producer but theres a look

left wanting. so what i think we can see in phone and mobil device future will be unlimited what ever we can

imagine can be done.

Your parents are spys

Social networking:

Facebook, Mysapce, Twittwr, Youtube .... the list goes own. so heres the thing we are getting to a point were checking some kind of social network oncea day is a nesscity. even the older generation's are getting into it. im making a facebook for my mom tomorrow. any where so now with the age of social networking there are rules like what to post what not to post and how you should act and behave. Companys are useing them teachers and even grandparents. we have to be carefull to not mix the two diffrent worlds of soical networking and your soical life even though they might entertwine. So i what im thinking is that this will be great by the time im a parent. I can keep a full tab on my kids from my phone. now would this make me a bad parent nope not at all. i will be a great parent and if ever i wasnt sure what to get my child for the hoildays or birthday could read thier blog or check thier about me section. lol i tryed to find parents like this online but they didnt appear to be out there. this is the future.

You can be a controler

Ok so this is a new add on to the microsoft xbox 360 it map your voice and movment you wont need a controler anymore. its in competision with the wii but its much better in my opinion some people wont like jumping around and fighting invisble ninjas but i would and with technology like this who knows whats next well... i have an idea... ok not really i cant even begin to imagine whats comeing now my imagination is tapped out completely i think the only thing that would make this better is props of some sort. gun, sword, wheel, all made from styrofoam maybe idk something to hold on to would be nice

Dancing Robot toy

Dancing Robot toy

this is a piecie of tech that i think would be more intresting if it had a better shape maybe beacuse to me it looks like a danceing egg and thats not all that entertaining

i have seen other videos around the internet that have danceing sony robots but none really snyc to what you want them to do and dance to. So what im thinking is that mabay there could be motion capture robots that dance how you dance or mimic you favorite dance group or person.... Micheal Jackson robots that wont molest you.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Finger painting now

so i saw this old video about a touch tablet its like a Giant iphone. but want to know is when can i let my kid finger paint on the table and not yell at them for it. Well if the table is a tablet table and it has a printer on the back end then poof finger paint with out all the clean up ... i like it

I wont need Frineds for road trips soon

ok so get this there will be a A.I. that will ride with you and give you little suggestions on where to go it learns your routine and helps navigate the city with you. It looks like it will be fun but what im looking forward to is a car that can drive for you only long distances for me. And of course they have that too

i dont want our race to get to lazy and dependent on tech but this is great for dangerous drivers like me that cant focus on driving for eight hours. Life is becomeing more and more like tomorrow land.

virtual pranks (2:12)

Some one ricked rolled a bunch of jail broken iphones

Ok so there hasn't been a bigger prank in our history since Orson Wells War of the Worlds right well know we live in a day and age where everyone is connected and I'm not talking about dirty evil hackers but light heart jokesters i want to see some huge globe prank... like the one the Mayans are playing on us

3D in 3D

Ok Ok found this video on you tube on a true 3Display and the guy on there said its all about application son in other words yeah its cool its fun but what can we do with it and i had this idea a phone booth like idk five or six in every town to start and it is full of cameras and microphones you will stand still and it will deliver a 3d picture of you every few seconds to the caller who will be in a receiving room/ phone booth too then its like your in a small room having a personal conversation with some one.

Hologram App

Ok I'm well aware that its not real but this does raise the question of when will it be real?
when will i be able to talk to my grandma from 200 miles away but in the same room at the same time... ohh what now ????

ok well this is nice I'm liking were its going but im much more on the entertainment side of things this would be awesome when instead of 3d glass we have movies projected on the a stage. The future inst that far away

Spy Bots?

OK so the reason this was interesting to me is because I didn't know that spy bots exists. And my next question is when and how can the Government use this technology to spy on us. because i don't care about spying on potential enemy but it concerns me that it could be use to see who is doing things they aren't suppose to and I'm not talking about dangerous things like building a bomb in the back yard. But things like running red lights and and using "invisible cameras " to build cases against people in criminal court. Now i know that these things sound great but it borders on how much control the government should have.

Can this semi-evil technology be put to good use like i don't know sectioning off abandoned apartments for large scale paint ball or laser tag matches and film it from an over head view with other multiple camera angles like a live firefight type thing.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Chip Hop !!!!

this a guy that's on he uses old 8 bit Nintendo songs to make hip hop beats and put them over popular ac-pella songs, Mainly by Jay Z but still its very awesome i did some research on how to do it and its a pretty interesting concept. I'm enjoying how old obsolete things like 8 bit music from 80's video game can come back and make sense again, this got me to thinking what other old things can be re done to be new or more relevant?

Where is the tech...?

Above is a video link using some very interesting people to do what we usually use computers for and no they aren't just adding subtracting numbers they are using colors and patterns to make a human jumbo tron. its very funny and entertaining and i like how some people instead of thinking about what can computers do next they are thinking more like what can we do that they can't. who knows what will be next maybe choirs that only sing in 8-bit formats may be painters that strictly draw pixels on canvas. im not sure but in interested in finding out

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Cool Video

This is a link to a youtbe video its from the channel Music around the world and its pretty awesome what its a group of people around the world playing the same song they its put together nicely and from what i can tell its not to hard to do other then the traveling and finding people its just video and recorded audio not to hard right .. but the concept is what i like the most how each place looks and sounds different but can still come together and play the same song in a very beautiful way. Music is the universal language.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This is a video of a truck that i saw near Indianapolis west side by the little Mexico area. It had electronic advertisements on the side that were scrolling up an down and it was playing music loudly from external speakers. I thought that this vehicle could be used for so many different things its like a ice cream truck for grown up's in fact it could highly change the way ice cream is sold in the future. also i work with a lot of musically artist and i know that this would be a wonderful way to promote an album or concert its great the olnlu thing i would to change it would be a small window on the side so i could give the streets the free hand outs that need.