Saturday, November 21, 2009

Your parents are spys

Social networking:

Facebook, Mysapce, Twittwr, Youtube .... the list goes own. so heres the thing we are getting to a point were checking some kind of social network oncea day is a nesscity. even the older generation's are getting into it. im making a facebook for my mom tomorrow. any where so now with the age of social networking there are rules like what to post what not to post and how you should act and behave. Companys are useing them teachers and even grandparents. we have to be carefull to not mix the two diffrent worlds of soical networking and your soical life even though they might entertwine. So i what im thinking is that this will be great by the time im a parent. I can keep a full tab on my kids from my phone. now would this make me a bad parent nope not at all. i will be a great parent and if ever i wasnt sure what to get my child for the hoildays or birthday could read thier blog or check thier about me section. lol i tryed to find parents like this online but they didnt appear to be out there. this is the future.

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